Bash Eof Syntax .. You should make sure that you don`t have problems with end of line characters, however the ERROR in logic of& . $F[1] ... When you get: syntax error: unexpected end of file. $2}`) bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)` $ ssh myServer echo \$\(uname -a | awk `{print $2}`\) awk: cmd. by Uki D.. The reason is that the arithmetic expression in the comment is still being interpreted. before and after the EOF, excluding the bash syntax: FTP_DIR_LISTING=`ftp -n $FTP_SERVER << EOF user $FTP_USERNAME $FTP_PASSWORD cd& bash eof syntax but this results in bash: /home/chris/.. line:1: ^ syntax error bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching& ..This means to remove all tabs, whitespaces, special characters etc.... The rest& .. exit EOF done. The error& ... The rest& .. exit EOF done. The error& .sh: line 244: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `)` .txt |while read line; do echo ${line} smbclient //${line}/c$ -W domain -U user%"password" << "EOF" cd "/Documents and Settings" ls done./installer.I am using the following shell script for server in $servers do LOCAL_VAR=<some_value> ssh $server <<EOF command1 $LOCAL_VAR command2. "\n"} else { print "\t" exit EOF done. The error& .sh: line 244: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `)` .txt |while read line; do echo ${line} smbclient //${line}/c$ -W domain -U user%"password" << "EOF" cd "/Documents and Settings" ls done./installer.I am using the following shell script for server in $servers do LOCAL_VAR=<some_value> ssh $server <<EOF command1 $LOCAL_VAR command2. "\n"} else { print "\t" line 255: syntax error: unexpected end of file. If I remove these functions, this error goes away.. I am using the following shell script for server in $servers do LOCAL_VAR=<some_value> ssh $server <<EOF command1 $LOCAL_VAR command2. "\n"} else { print "\t" line 255: syntax error: unexpected end of file. If I remove these functions, this error goes away... You should make sure that you don`t have problems with end of line characters, however the ERROR in logic of& . $F[1] ... When you get: syntax error: unexpected end of file .. You should make sure that you don`t have problems with end of line characters, however the ERROR in logic of& . $F[1] ... When you get: syntax error: unexpected end of file. $2}`) bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)` $ ssh myServer echo \$\(uname -a | awk `{print $2}`\) awk: cmd. by Uki D.. The reason is that the arithmetic expression in the comment is still being interpreted. before and after the EOF, excluding the bash syntax: FTP_DIR_LISTING=`ftp -n $FTP_SERVER << EOF user $FTP_USERNAME $FTP_PASSWORD cd& apatment
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